Ghost Station
Space is a big and lonely place, and that isolation can do strange and terrible things to people’s minds. In S.A. Barnes’ Ghost Station (Amazon), it can lead to a mental disorder known as Eckhart-Reiser Syndrome (ERS). The syndrome leads to mental decline, ultimately leading to a catastrophic break with reality … as well as murder … Read more
Geek Tree 2024 – Beam Me Up
Geek Tree 2024 returns to the Star Trek universe, adding one long-wished for ornament: the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701B. The Geek Tree is a long-running tradition in my house. It dates back to the late 1990s, when my wife and I realized my geeky ornaments threatened to overwhelm the family tree. We exiled them to their own, smaller … Read more
Eclipse 2024
Burlington, VT was one of the best places to see 2024’s eclipse, and I was there, watching the sky turn dark with my daughter and son. Read the post.
Summer Reading 2024
Nuketown’s 17th Annual Science Fiction and Fantasy Summer Reading List is over, but you can still read the book reviews!
Project: Ready Player One Replay
The Ready Player One Replay is an ongoing exploration of the games that inspired the novel Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. Love it or hate it, there’s value in revisiting our geeky roots.
- Zork – Ready Player One Video Game Replay
- Dig Dug – Ready Player One Video Game Replay
- Pac-Man – Ready Player One Video Game Replay
Column: Game Day
Nuketown’s Game Day columns focus on running and playing in RPG campaigns, from prep to execution to reflection.
- Fallout 2d20: Meet Steve NuGunnar
- Farewell to Google Jamboard
- Entering the Matrix of Cyberpunk RED Campaigns
Radiation Cloud
Alastair Reynolds Apple Atari Baseball Battlestar Galactica Brandon Sanderson Broken Ankle Saga Call of Cthulhu Comic Books Conventions D&D Delta Green Dice Dragon Age Dungeons and Dragons Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition FATE Geek Tree GenCon GenCon 2007 Greyhawk GURPS Hellboy HeroClix Hiking Iain Banks Jack Campbell James S.A. Corey John Scalzi Lunchtime Gaming macOS Marvel MEPACon Monster Week 2010 Monster Week 2013 Mutants & Masterminds Nintendo Nuke(m)Con Numenera Ornament-a-Day 2019 OS X Parenting Pathfinder Planetorn Podcasts Ready Player One Running Savage Worlds Second Darkness Spider-Man Star Trek Star Wars Star Wars: Saga Edition Superheroes The Day After Ragnarok Weird Pulp X-Men Xbox 360