@NuketownSF: Married Spider-People, Sci-Fi Tombs, Geeky Podcasts, The High Republic

Three people in spider uniforms swing toward the viewer.

A recap of NuketownSF’s tweets for the week of May 16, 2021. RPG | WORLDS WITHOUT A NUMBER – A fantasy version of Stars without Number that bills itself as “gritty, hard-edged adventure in the fathomless future of the Latter Earth, a fantastic realm of time-lost sorcery, savage foes, and barbaric splendor.” https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/348791/Worlds-Without-Number?src=hottest COMICS AND COFFEE … Read more

Venture into the Lair of Secrets podcast

My friend David Moore (formerly of The Gamemaster’s Show and After Serenity) and I recently launched the Lair of Secrets podcast. It’s a podcast about gaming and being a geek by two forty-something geek dads. So far we have seven episodes out, with new ones being released on a regular basis (approximately weekly, give or take a week). S1E1 … Read more

Reseting the Podcast Playlist

Podcasts help soothe the locked-down soul. What do I mean by that? Well, something that’s driving me buggy about the COVID-19 lockdown is the remote nature of almost every conversation we have. Aside from talking with my wife and kids, and the occasional across-the-street or through the fence conversation with neighbors, every conversation I have … Read more

Podcast Playlist: December 2017

Art representing Gnomecast, Misdirected Mark, Dungeon Master's Block, and Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff

With Nuketown’s re-launch and the return of Radio Active, I’ve been spending time listening to podcasts as a way of getting caught up on the state of the geek community as well as current topics in gaming. As I mentioned previously, my sweet spot for podcasts these days is 15-25 minutes. That corresponds with the length of my commute, … Read more

Searching for new RPG Podcasts

I’m on a quest for new RPG Podcasts. It’s been a while since I listened to them extensively — you can blame Brandon Sanderson’s The Way of Kings audiobook for that — but I’ve got the itch again. Oh … and I have a Knights of the Dinner Table “Summon Web Scryer” column that needs to be written…

I have a number of old standbys still in my podcast queue, including the Accidental Survivors, All Games Considered, Atomic Array, The Dungeons & Dragons Podcast, Fear the Boot, Flagons & Dragons, Order 66, RPG Circus, Smiling Jack’s Bar & Grill, and Yog-Sothoth Podcast.

It’s a good mix, but I find I’m under-represented in a few categories, notably Pathfinder, game theory, and game mastery.

Radio Active #85: War of the Pod People

Spring is looming larger, but just incase it gets waylaid by a late-winter storm, I decided to have a spring-themed surprise party for my wife. In geekier news, I started up a “Gamer Working Group” at my dayjob and re-launched my gaming group’s GriffCrier.com web site. There are no netheads in this show, but don’t worry — you’ll still be able to feed that net addiction with a round up of the podcasts I’m listening to.

Radio Active #82: Invasion of the Mario Brothers

On this episode of Radio Active, StarGirl takes up soccer, NeutronLad becomes a preschooler, and I stop by The Tome podcast to geek out about the Eberron Campaign Guide.

Back at Nuketown, I talk about my new Nintendo DS Lite and some of the games I’ve picked up for it, learn how to make my own Star Wars crawl and surf through thousands of government regulations at OpenRegs.com

Radio Active #81: That New Mac Smell

On this episode of Nuketown Radio Active, the site gets updated to Drupa 6, I get a new MacBook Pro, return to Castle Wolfenstein and try out some new tricks from the Jedi Academy Training Manual.

In Netheads I make plans for MEPACon 2009 and check out the northeast Pennsylvania convention’s web presence, and get my final frontier fix from The Space Review