Radio Active #5: WiFi Wackiness, Bug Comes Home, Unfinished Games, Wheel of Time, Ring/Ring 2 Soundtrack

Show #5 starts off with some Windows and Mac tales before settling down into its more traditional science fiction and fantasy fare. This time around I talk about The Greatest Games I Never Finished (Diablo II, A Fool’s Errand, Legend of Zelda: Orcina of Time), the appeal of the Wheel of Time series, and offer … Read more

Radio Active #4: Dreamcatcher, Finding Serenity, KODT #100 and a Geek Dad on the Xbox

Radio Active #4 reviews Stephen King’s alien invasion novel Dreamcatcher and the movie adaptation, discusses the new essay collection Finding Serenity, about Joss Whedon’s Firefly series, talks about Knights of the Dinner Table Magazine #100.  finally offers some thoughts on gaming when you’re a geek dad. Getting the Podcast You can get the podcast in two … Read more

Radio Active #3: Comic Book Geekdom, The Salsa Incident, Podcasts, Geezer Gamers

Radio Active #3 is finally available for download. I’d finished most of the production last week, and foolishly thought I’d be able to work on it over the weekend. Why I thought this–given that my daughter’s birthday party was Saturday, and Easter was Sunday–I have no idea. This time around I eschew the soundclips and … Read more

My Podcasts: March 2005

Listening to podcasts quickly became part of my daily routine after I discovered the phenomenon last fall. I wrote about a few of the podcasts I’d found, and then settled into a groove listening to these new, increasingly familiar voices during my morning and afternoon commute. Recently though, I’ve made a concerted effort to seek … Read more