Radio Active #41: Harping Monkey’s Second Life, SysStat, Model Makers

Sickness and teething played havoc with Radio Active’s publication schedule, but the podcast returns with a shorter show that catches folks up on happenings around the thermonuclear burg. In Net News, I take a look at the Harping Monkey Inn’s virtual digs within Second Life, talk about the SysStat widget for Mac OS X, and … Read more

Podcast Roundup: Dragon’s Landing, Geek Acres, Round Table, Fear the Boot, Geek Fu

My iPod finally decided to connect to my PowerMac, allowing me to finally download a bunch of new podcasts to listen to. First up on my list were for Dragon’s Landing Inn, Misfit Brew’s Round Table, Fear the Boot and Geek Fu Action Grip. Dragon’s Landing Inn Alpha 67 Chuck and Lonnie always entertain, and … Read more

Radio Active #33: Battlestar Galactica Season 2 Soundtrack, Uncle Bear Podcast

The big news this week is about the new Nuketown web site and some of the content that’s soon to grace its Web pages. Balancing out the self-congratulatory ramblings and pleads for comments is a review of the Battlestar Galactica Season 2 Soundtrack, including several tracks from the CD courtesy of LaLa Land Records. There’s … Read more

Radio Active #31: Geek Moms, Summer Reading List, X-Men 3

The podcast opens with the old X-Men cartoon theme song in honor of X-Men 3: The Final Stand and the launches into a review of geek mom and geek parenting web sites. There’s no fiction review this time around, as I’m still slugging my way through George R.R. Martin’s A Feast for Crows but I … Read more

Radio Active #29: FreeCiv, Misfit Brew, Does My Geek…, Spell Compendium

Another podcast, another Sunday spent painting. This time around I discuss Battlestar Galactica’s Season 2 cliffhanger and offer a brief review of the film version of V for Vendetta (yes, I’m behind the geek times) before launching into reviews of the turn-based strategy game FreeCiv, the podcasts Misfit Brew and Does My Geek Look Big … Read more

Radio Active #14: Podcast Updates, Saturn Reviewed

Updates on Radio Active, including why #14 was delayed and how much bandwidth the podcast is consuming, and news about a new RPG podcast called Dice Go Bonk. There’s also a review of Ben Bova’s hard science fiction novel Saturn. Getting the Podcast Download the MP3 directly Show Notes Neo Matrix Quote Transitions On Delays Sorry … Read more

Radio Active #13: Battlestar Galactica Soundtrack, Monster Manual III

The Battlestar Galactica Season 1 Soundtrack takes centerstage in Radio Active #13, with four songs from the new album featured in the podcast. There’s also a bunch of news about the mothership,, including the launch of our new online message forum and Radio Active’s new logo. I also talk about the Random Signal podcast … Read more

Radio Active #9: Ender’s Shadow, Libris Mortis, Toddlers & Star Wars

I make good on my book review promise, and take a look at Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Shadow. There’s also some thoughts on toddlers and Star Wars, news about the extension of the Atomic Swindlers CD giveaway, and a plug for the new scifi magazine podcast, Escape Pod. Getting the Podcast Download the MP3 directly … Read more