Summer Reading List 2024

Several covers for books featured in the Nuketown Summer Reading List 2024

The 17th edition of Nuketown’s sci-fi and fantasy Summer Reading List features 19 books (15 novels, three non-fiction books), three novellas, and five graphic novels. The Summer of 2024 will be a fun one. My wife and I are going to Iceland with our extended family for a week and we’ll be spending a week … Read more

Summer Reading List 2022

A collection of different science fiction and fantasy book covers

Summer is back, and so is Nuketown’s sun-drenched reading list! The 15th iteration of our annual tradition features 17 books (12 novels, 5 non-fiction books), 5 novellas, and 5 graphic novels. You can follow my reading list progress on GoodReads. Unlike in 2020, where I struggled to complete my summer reading list in the actual summer, … Read more

Summer Reading List 2019

A collection of covers from books on the summer reading list.

Memorial Day Weekend is almost upon us, so it’s time to pop open a summer shandy, power up the Kindle, and launch into Nuketown’s summer reading list. The 12th Annual Summer Reading List contains 19 books and 7 graphic novels. It’s my biggest summer reading list ever, combining reading for work with reading for pleasure. It’s … Read more

Assembling Nuketown’s 2019 Summer Reading List

It’s spring, and while others are tending to their gardens I’m thinking about my summer reading list. I don’t have a goal in mind for my 12th annual summer reading list, but I expect it to be in the 12-15 novel range, with a few graphic novels thrown in. As always, it will be a … Read more

Summer Reading List 2018

A stack of three books, with a small garden and white string lights in the background.

Welcome to Nuketown’s 11th summer reading list! As expected, this summer’s list features lots of space opera and a smattering of fantasy, but it also includes the unexpected in the form of non-fiction books related to project management and self-improvement. The spring hit me like a hammer (or maybe like a sack of hammers. Dump … Read more

Off the Bookshelf: Mid-Summer 2017

Adirondack chairs gathered around a firepit near a lake.

I tore through the heart of my summer reading list in July, knocking out six novels in a month. Four of these were read during my family’s annual week-long vacation to Lake Champlain. I probably could have read more if we’d spent another day or two on the lake, but unfortunately reality beckoned us home. This was … Read more

Summer Reading List 2017

Several difference science fiction book covers shown side-by-side.

Welcome to Nuketown’s 10th annual summer reading list! As with previous years, this year’s list is heavy on space opera and military science fiction but includes a smattering of fantasy. It includes 17 novels, 1 novella, and 8 graphic novels. That’s one more novel than my Summer 2016 reading list. It’s a stretch, but I’m … Read more

Off the Bookshelf: The Lost Fleet, Storm Front, Fuller Memorandum

A drop ship from the cover art for The Lost Fleet: Victorious

I’m in the midst of my spring reading doldrums. Between work, Cub Scouts, and baseball, most of my free time is accounted for. If I’m honest, when I do have free time I’m more likely to spend it catching up on episodes of Legion or The Flash than I am picking up one of the … Read more

Off the Bookshelf: Late Summer 2016 Reading

A saucer-like starship looms large.

It’s a more than a little strange to be writing about the last of my Summer 2016 reading list in Winter 2017, but damn it, I told myself I was going to write this column and I’m not letting myself off the hook. As I wrote in updates to my “Summer Reading List 2016” column, … Read more

Summer Reading List 2014

Hellboy, all red with a full set of demonic horns that radiate golden light, sits against a black background.

Summer is coming. It’s bringing with it alien worlds, starship battles, ancient mysteries, and sequels. Lots of sequels. No, I’m not talking about movies — I’m talking books, specifically my Summer Reading List for 2014.