Off the Bookshelf: The Past Through Tomorrow, The Goal, The Light Brigade

A space-suited (battle armored?) figure flies through blue light.

I went Old School with the first two books on my list on my summer reading list: Robert Heinlein’s The Past Through Tomorrow is a collection of his “Future History” short stories, novellas, and novels written in the 1940s and 1950s. It was a time when the future was atomic, women working in space was a radical idea, … Read more

Summer Reading List 2019

A collection of covers from books on the summer reading list.

Memorial Day Weekend is almost upon us, so it’s time to pop open a summer shandy, power up the Kindle, and launch into Nuketown’s summer reading list. The 12th Annual Summer Reading List contains 19 books and 7 graphic novels. It’s my biggest summer reading list ever, combining reading for work with reading for pleasure. It’s … Read more

Assembling Nuketown’s 2019 Summer Reading List

It’s spring, and while others are tending to their gardens I’m thinking about my summer reading list. I don’t have a goal in mind for my 12th annual summer reading list, but I expect it to be in the 12-15 novel range, with a few graphic novels thrown in. As always, it will be a … Read more

Nuketown’s Winter 2017 Reading List

A woman holds an enormous blade while standing against a fantastic, pillar-filed landscape.

Christmas vacation is coming up and bringing with it a glorious week filled with family, gifts, and lots of reading. I’ve compiled a winter reading list for the break, which is similar to my traditional summer reading lists except the list is shorter and my reading time runs from mid-December through mid-February. Like the summer … Read more