Summer’s End 2023

A view of the Chesapeake Bay at sunset, part of Nuketown's Summer's End 2023 retrospective

Usually I write these Summer Reading List retrospectives at the actual end of summer (rather than days before the start of the next summer) but 2023 was a particularly trying year and motivation was lacking. But now a new summer is upon us … so let’s take a breath and see how last year went. … Read more

Off the Bookshelf – June 2023

Covert art for Children of Memory, part of the Off the Bookshelf - June 2023 book list.

I made steady progress through Nuketown’s Summer Reading List in June 2023, completing three books and starting two new ones. At this point, I’ve read six of the 13 books on my reading list. Given that we’re headed into high summer, that’s a pretty good pace. You can my reading list on Goodreads and The Story Graph. Children of Memory (Children … Read more

Off the Bookshelf – Lord of Light, Kaiju Preservation, Empire’s Ruin, Shards of Earth, Thinking with Data

Glowing red tendrils of matter erupt into space

Summer 2022 is over, but the Nuketown summer reading list continues. I didn’t make as much progress on the list as I’d hoped this summer. I never quite got into that morning walk & audio book routine, nor the morning coffee and print book routine, so progress was slow. I also only made it to the … Read more

Summer Reading List 2022

A collection of different science fiction and fantasy book covers

Summer is back, and so is Nuketown’s sun-drenched reading list! The 15th iteration of our annual tradition features 17 books (12 novels, 5 non-fiction books), 5 novellas, and 5 graphic novels. You can follow my reading list progress on GoodReads. Unlike in 2020, where I struggled to complete my summer reading list in the actual summer, … Read more

Off the Bookshelf: Summer’s End 2021

For the first time in years, I completed my summer reading list during the summer. The final tally was 15 books (11 novels, 3 non-fiction books, 1 short story collection), 2 novellas, and 8 graphic novels. So what were the standouts on this summer’s reading list? Children of Time and its follow-up Children of Ruin by Adrian Tchaikovsky easily top the … Read more

Radio Active #97: Cooking Dada

A close-up of a green and grey Hello Fresh box.

On this episode of Nuketown Radio Active, the trail to Philmont finally ends, I revisit my summer reading list, catch up on the first season of the Lair of Secrets podcast, reflect on the fact that one of my kids is in college, and talk about how I got into cooking during the pandemic. Getting … Read more

Summer Reading List 2021

A collection of science fiction and fantasy book covers

Welcome to Nuketown’s 14th annual summer reading list! This year’s list welcomes back Jack Campbell’s Lost Fleet series, returns to Iain Bank’s The Culture books, re-reads Richard Adam’s Watership Down and tries out some new series, including Elizabeth Bear’s White Space books and Martha Wells’ Murderbot novellas. All in all, the list consists of 14 books (10 novels, 3 non-fiction books, … Read more

Assembling Nuketown’s 2019 Summer Reading List

It’s spring, and while others are tending to their gardens I’m thinking about my summer reading list. I don’t have a goal in mind for my 12th annual summer reading list, but I expect it to be in the 12-15 novel range, with a few graphic novels thrown in. As always, it will be a … Read more