Assembling Nuketown’s 2019 Summer Reading List

It’s spring, and while others are tending to their gardens I’m thinking about my summer reading list. I don’t have a goal in mind for my 12th annual summer reading list, but I expect it to be in the 12-15 novel range, with a few graphic novels thrown in. As always, it will be a … Read more

Summer Reading List 2018

A stack of three books, with a small garden and white string lights in the background.

Welcome to Nuketown’s 11th summer reading list! As expected, this summer’s list features lots of space opera and a smattering of fantasy, but it also includes the unexpected in the form of non-fiction books related to project management and self-improvement. The spring hit me like a hammer (or maybe like a sack of hammers. Dump … Read more

Off the Bookshelf: Mid-Summer 2017

Adirondack chairs gathered around a firepit near a lake.

I tore through the heart of my summer reading list in July, knocking out six novels in a month. Four of these were read during my family’s annual week-long vacation to Lake Champlain. I probably could have read more if we’d spent another day or two on the lake, but unfortunately reality beckoned us home. This was … Read more

Summer Reading List 2017

Several difference science fiction book covers shown side-by-side.

Welcome to Nuketown’s 10th annual summer reading list! As with previous years, this year’s list is heavy on space opera and military science fiction but includes a smattering of fantasy. It includes 17 novels, 1 novella, and 8 graphic novels. That’s one more novel than my Summer 2016 reading list. It’s a stretch, but I’m … Read more

Off the Bookshelf: Island Reading 2016

Two books -- Lobster Johnson and Crusade -- rest on rocks next to a fire pit. A fire can be seen burning in the upper portion of the photograph.

One of my family’s long-standing traditions is spending time at our friends’ cabin on Butler Island on Lake Champlain. It’s rustic in the extreme (though less so than the early years) with minimal power, an outhouse, and (thankfully) no Internet. It’s a great opportunity to hang out with the family, hike, swim, and read a … Read more