Summer Reading List 2024

Several covers for books featured in the Nuketown Summer Reading List 2024

The 17th edition of Nuketown’s sci-fi and fantasy Summer Reading List features 19 books (15 novels, three non-fiction books), three novellas, and five graphic novels. The Summer of 2024 will be a fun one. My wife and I are going to Iceland with our extended family for a week and we’ll be spending a week … Read more

Off the Bookshelf – June 2023

Covert art for Children of Memory, part of the Off the Bookshelf - June 2023 book list.

I made steady progress through Nuketown’s Summer Reading List in June 2023, completing three books and starting two new ones. At this point, I’ve read six of the 13 books on my reading list. Given that we’re headed into high summer, that’s a pretty good pace. You can my reading list on Goodreads and The Story Graph. Children of Memory (Children … Read more

Summer Reading List 2021

A collection of science fiction and fantasy book covers

Welcome to Nuketown’s 14th annual summer reading list! This year’s list welcomes back Jack Campbell’s Lost Fleet series, returns to Iain Bank’s The Culture books, re-reads Richard Adam’s Watership Down and tries out some new series, including Elizabeth Bear’s White Space books and Martha Wells’ Murderbot novellas. All in all, the list consists of 14 books (10 novels, 3 non-fiction books, … Read more

Off the Bookshelf: The Ancient Ones, Excession, Wise Man’s Fear

The trailing edge of this summer’s reading list included David Brin’s The Ancient Ones, Iain Bank’s Excession, and Patrick Rothfuss’s The Wise Man’s Fear. It also saw a considerable slow down in my reading pace due to the style of book I was reading. While The Ancient Ones was a breezy comedy, Bank’s Excession – … Read more

Summer Reading List 2019

A collection of covers from books on the summer reading list.

Memorial Day Weekend is almost upon us, so it’s time to pop open a summer shandy, power up the Kindle, and launch into Nuketown’s summer reading list. The 12th Annual Summer Reading List contains 19 books and 7 graphic novels. It’s my biggest summer reading list ever, combining reading for work with reading for pleasure. It’s … Read more

Assembling Nuketown’s 2019 Summer Reading List

It’s spring, and while others are tending to their gardens I’m thinking about my summer reading list. I don’t have a goal in mind for my 12th annual summer reading list, but I expect it to be in the 12-15 novel range, with a few graphic novels thrown in. As always, it will be a … Read more

Off the Bookshelf: Early Summer 2017

A photo of the Kindle cover for Thrawn, with the Jersey shore in the background.

I got a respectable jump on my Summer Reading List for 2017 in late May and June, reading five books by June 30 (though I got in the last one, Revenger, with only a few hours to spare). It was a good reading pace, and it puts me on target to finish the 17 books … Read more

Summer Reading List 2017

Several difference science fiction book covers shown side-by-side.

Welcome to Nuketown’s 10th annual summer reading list! As with previous years, this year’s list is heavy on space opera and military science fiction but includes a smattering of fantasy. It includes 17 novels, 1 novella, and 8 graphic novels. That’s one more novel than my Summer 2016 reading list. It’s a stretch, but I’m … Read more

Summer Reading List 2014

Hellboy, all red with a full set of demonic horns that radiate golden light, sits against a black background.

Summer is coming. It’s bringing with it alien worlds, starship battles, ancient mysteries, and sequels. Lots of sequels. No, I’m not talking about movies — I’m talking books, specifically my Summer Reading List for 2014.