Radio Active #97: Cooking Dada

A close-up of a green and grey Hello Fresh box.

On this episode of Nuketown Radio Active, the trail to Philmont finally ends, I revisit my summer reading list, catch up on the first season of the Lair of Secrets podcast, reflect on the fact that one of my kids is in college, and talk about how I got into cooking during the pandemic. Getting … Read more

Off the Bookshelf: The Ancient Ones, Excession, Wise Man’s Fear

The trailing edge of this summer’s reading list included David Brin’s The Ancient Ones, Iain Bank’s Excession, and Patrick Rothfuss’s The Wise Man’s Fear. It also saw a considerable slow down in my reading pace due to the style of book I was reading. While The Ancient Ones was a breezy comedy, Bank’s Excession – … Read more

Radio Active #34: Arkham Horror, Contrary Brin, Mutants & Masterminds Character Generator

Radio Active gets its first guest as Lance Miller of Ditlog: Day in the Life of a Gamer joins me to review Arkham Horror, the Lovecraftian-inspired board game from Fantasy Flight Games. The “Sites of Note” segment returns with thoughts on science fiction writer David Brin’s post ” The Illusion of Public ‘Panic’… and the … Read more

Wash Up On Infinity’s Shore

In Startide Rising, David Brin began the epic adventure of a crew of neo-dolphins, their starship Streaker, and a terrible, war-inspiring secret. He won the Hugo and Nebula awards for the novel, the story of which remained unfinished for years. Now, with the Uplift Storm trilogy, Brin is continuing – but probably not concluding – … Read more