Game Day: 5th Year Clix, Lost Dwarves, RPG Glossary, Game Widgets

Despite having written Game Day columns the last two weeks, I haven’t actually played much. Two weeks ago I was sidelined by pink eye, while last week a March snowstorm destroyed our plans to conquer the world with Risk 2210. This week it’s raining, but unless the Delaware and Lehigh Rivers rise up to devour … Read more

Game Day: Re: Your Brains, HeroClix Redux

Jonathan Coulton’s undead anthem “Re: Your Brains” will lead off our gaming session tonight as our brave band of adventurers faces off against a horde of undead besieging the town of Barovia. But hey, it’s not just the undead we’re dealing with today: super hero gaming returns to the table as we get back to … Read more

Radio Active #38: Painting Ghosts, Portable Apps, A Feast for Crows

Radio Active starts glowing again as the Great Fall Painting Project of ’06 winds down. This time around I’ve got updates on said project as well as the far geekier AirTunes setup I finally got working. Sites of Note looks at Jonathan Coulton music videos shot using World of Warcraft, the world-building third season of … Read more

HorrorClix Tries to Scare Up a Hit

According to Gaming Report, WizKids is returning to the Clix-mechanic with HorrorClix. It’s a collectible game in which you control a horde of undead and/or supernatural monsters who are either out to protect or eat innocent bystanders (“protect” them? That reminds me of the great t-shirt with the tagline “Cthulhu Saves … For Later!”). According … Read more

NukemCon: Day 1

Two men sit at a table. Small plastic HeroClix figures stand arrayed on a large wooden table while a much larger comic book figure (Galactus) holds a bagel.

Day One of NukemCon arrived yesterday, bringing with it HeroClix, Illuminati, Dungeons & Dragons and plenty of Halo. We kicked off 12+ hours of gaming by opening a case of HeroClix: Ultimates, the new latest expansion for WizKids’ superhero miniatures game. Then came three increasingly cutthroat games of Illuminati; Jon won the first one, Bob … Read more

HeroClix Reaches Critical Mass

Critical Mass, the latest expansion for WisKids Game’s HeroClix miniatures game, features a new cross section of Marvel Superheroes, including favorites like Venom, Rhino and Archangel, as well as new versions of old standbys Spiderman, Daredevil and Electra. As a game, HeroClix is now just about two years old, and it’s seen a bunch of … Read more

Gaming Until We Drop at LanceCon I

Just about every week, my gaming group gets together to play our ongoing Greyhawk-based Dungeons & Dragons campaign. It’s nearly seven years old (its anniversary arrives in September) and its a source of continual fun, camaraderie and unrelenting chaos. It’s not all about D&D, although it dominates our agenda. We also play a huge number … Read more