Game Day: Risk 2210

Game Day may be cancelled due to snow — freaking Pennsylvania spring weather — but that doesn’t mean we can’t still dream of what might have been. Tonight’s game was/is supposed to be Risk 2210 (check it out on Amazon) the science fiction re-imagining of the classic Risk board game of old. The game retains … Read more

LanceCon III: And the Games Roll On

There’s nothing quite like spending a Saturday playing nothing but board games. That’s what the guys in my gaming group did this weekend, starting around 10 a.m. on Saturday and playing through until nearly 2 a.m. Sunday. We called this home-grown festival of gaming “LanceCon”, in honor of our friend Lance, who starts to get … Read more

First Impressions of Risk: Godstorm

A few years ago, I reviewed (Internet Archive) Avalon Hill’s then-new Risk 2210 board game (Internet Archive) for SCI-FI. Our gaming group loved it how the game took the game’s core mechanic, added a great deal of complexity and strategy to it, threw in a sci-fi theme, and still managed to retain that bizarre Risk luck factor. … Read more

Gaming Until We Drop at LanceCon I

Just about every week, my gaming group gets together to play our ongoing Greyhawk-based Dungeons & Dragons campaign. It’s nearly seven years old (its anniversary arrives in September) and its a source of continual fun, camaraderie and unrelenting chaos. It’s not all about D&D, although it dominates our agenda. We also play a huge number … Read more