#BrokenAnkleSaga: Two Years Later

A pair of blue running sneakers in front of a number of board and card games.

Two years ago, I broke my right ankle slipping on snow-covered ice. I didn’t just break it though; I had a trimalleolar fracture plus dislocation. In laymen’s terms, I broke my ankle real good. I was in a cast for six weeks and a boot for something like two months. Physical therapy dominated most of 2018. It seems … Read more

To the Couch and Back Again

A view from my morning run.

Three years after I started running, I’m returning to 5K training. Specifically, I’m re-playing Zombies, Run! 5K, which is a couch-to-5K training app that includes — you guessed it — zombies. Zombies, Run! 5K is an 8-week training course meant to take you from a low activity level (the aforementioned couch) to running a 5K. The first … Read more

Radio Active #92: Back from the Break

A view from the top of a ski sloop. The hills of Pennsylvania can be seen in the distance.

It took a year, but I’m back! On this episode of Nuketown Radio Active, the Broken Ankle Saga comes to an end as the Outdoor Geek ventures into the Pennsylvania wilderness for some winter-time camping. Back in the warmer confines of the Game Room, I’ve got a ton of new role-playing games that I’m looking … Read more

#BrokenAnkleSaga: One Year Later

An indoor track with the "today's direction" sign.

A year ago I ran out my door, slipped on some snow-covered ice on the street, and broke my right ankle in two places. For good measure, I dislocated it as well. Much of what I had planned for the first half of 2018 went out the window, replaced by surgery to put my ankle … Read more

Jog Geek Jog

My be-sneakered feet resting on a field.

I started running four years ago. I made steady progress over the years culminating with running a respectable 9-minute mile in the Baconfest 5K in November. Then I broke my right ankle, and it all stopped … but perhaps not forever. After six months of healing and physical rehabilitation, I’ve started jogging again, albeit very … Read more

On the Road Again

I’m walking in the morning again. After a many months hiatus brought on by the #BrokenAnkleSaga, I’m once again able to go for walks, albeit modest ones. My morning walks range from .5 to 1.5 miles depending on whether  I’m walking the round-trip 2.6 miles to work. Coupled with baseball practice/games and walking around for … Read more

Swim Geek, Swim

Bright green and blue men's swim trunks lay atop a Labrador-themed beach towel.

After more than two restless months without serious exercise thanks to my broken (but now healing) ankle, I’m back at the gym. Or rather, the pool. The doctor and physical therapist cleared me to swim and I wasted no time getting back to the pool. Since clearing me, I’ve swum almost every day Yeah, I’m … Read more

Getting Ready to Walk

A man's shadow on a sidewalk

You wouldn’t think something so simple would be so hard, but break your ankle and then wrap your foot in a cast/boot for two months and you’ll find walking becomes a difficult, half-remembered skill to be remastered. I’m two weeks into physical therapy and I’m making good progress. During that time we’ve been working on … Read more

Marching Forth

A picture of my left foot (wearing a hiking boot) and my right (wearing a structural boot)

The next phase of healing in the Broken Ankle Saga began last week with my first visit to the physical therapist. The boot is still on and will be until early April, but I’m walking without crutches and I’m cleared to drive (after taking the boot off of course). Both of these things are huge. … Read more