Dig Dug – Ready Player One Video Game Replay

A screenshot from Dig Dug, featuring the main character (in white) digging through yellow, red, and orange layers of earth to find an exterminate monsters.

Dig Dug is a quirky tunneling-based arcade game from the 1980s. It features an … exterminator? … in a white environment suit who ventures underground to wipe out the pests dwelling there. Released in 1982 by Namco, it became a staple of arcades and myriad game consoles. Quote I continued farther into the dark electronic cave … Read more

Pac-Man – Ready Player One Video Game Replay

Pac-Man faces off against different colored ghosts in the arcade classic.

One of the definitive 1980s arcade games – maybe the Definitive Arcade Game (after all, did Asteroids or Space Invaders have their own theme songs?) – Pac-Man is a classic. The game was created by Toru Iwatani, and released on May 22, 1980 by Namco. The rest, of course, is history. Quote I continued farther into the dark … Read more

Donkey Kong – Ready Player One Video Game Replay

The girders and signature gorilla of Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong is one of the legendary ancient video games. It gave us the first appearance of the plucky plumber Mario and his nemesis (frenemy?) Donkey Kong. The two went on to star in very different franchises (Mario taking on the princess-stealing Bowser in various surreal mushroom-powered kingdoms, while Donkey Kong became the patriarch of a … Read more

RPG a Day 2023 – Favorite RPG of All Time

A spine view of a bunch of Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition books ... which is not my favorite RPG of all time.

Rather than just go with my gut instinct for “favorite RPG of all time”, I decided to run the numbers. The numbers are, admittedly, a bit skewed. D&D 3rd Edition includes a bunch of d20 supplements (at least, those who survived my 3e purge) including hardcovers and splat books. I don’t have nearly as many … Read more

RPG a Day 2023 – Obscure Game You’ve Played

A tentacled-headed mutant fires a blaster rifle in Nuketown's pick for an obscure game we've played: Gamma World 7th Edition

The most obscure game I’ve played is Gamma World 7th Edition (2010). It was designed by Richard Baker and Bruce R. Cordell based on the D&D 4th Edition rules and saw a core box set plus two boxed-set-based expansions. That level of support by a major publisher might lead you to believe the game isn’t that obscure, … Read more

RPG a Day 2023 – Game You’d Like a New Edition Of … Star Frontiers

An octopus-like alien riding a bipedal dinosaur.

The game I’d love to see a new edition of is Star Frontiers … but as they say, be careful what you wish for. Star Frontiers was the second role-playing game I ever owned. It was a space opera RPG set in a “frontier” region of space with a mix of settled and unexplored star systems. There … Read more

RPG a Day 2023 – Favorite Character Sheet

A 1st Edition Dungeons & Dragons character sheet. It features a stylized border, lines to enter stats, and a gold background. It's one of my favorite character sheets.

My favorite character sheets are easily the AD&D Player Character Record Sheets, also known as the “goldenrod” character sheets because they were printed on heavy, goldenrod paper. This is purely a nostalgic pick; some of my first “real” characters for Dungeons & Dragons were written up using these sheets, which came pre-printed in sheets within a folio … Read more

RPG a Day 2023: Unplayed RPG You Enjoy

Cover art for the Star Trek Adventures Game Master Screen

My favorite unplayed RPG that I enjoy (aside from ALIEN) is Modiphius’ Star Trek Adventures. I bought the core rulebook years ago, then invested further when Humble Bundle offered a 25-tome strong bundle of sourcebooks. How could I say no to that? OK, sure, I still hadn’t played it … but consider all the books! Alpha Quadrant and Beta … Read more

RPG a Day 2023 – Complex/Simple RPG You Like To Play

Cover art for the game Fiasco, my favorite simple RPG

I struggled with this prompt because I couldn’t think of a “simple” game I own, and it seems like most of my RPGs are pretty complex. And then I thought of Fiasco. Described as a game about “powerful ambitions and power impulse control”, Fiasco is inspired by all of those movies whose characters start with great ideas and … Read more