Radio Active #93: Reset. Renew. Return.

Like an astronaut hurled far into deep space, Nuketown Radio Active returns to Earth a year after it left to find the planet utterly transformed. Fortunately, there are no super-intelligent apes. At least, not yet. On this episode of Nuketown Radio Active, I reintroduce folks to the podcast, catch up on the state of Nuketown, … Read more

Radio Active #92: Back from the Break

A view from the top of a ski sloop. The hills of Pennsylvania can be seen in the distance.

It took a year, but I’m back! On this episode of Nuketown Radio Active, the Broken Ankle Saga comes to an end as the Outdoor Geek ventures into the Pennsylvania wilderness for some winter-time camping. Back in the warmer confines of the Game Room, I’ve got a ton of new role-playing games that I’m looking … Read more

Radio Active #90: Outdoor Geek

A middle-aged man (Ken Newquist) gives the thumbs up from a snow covered tent

On this episode of Nuketown Radio Active I celebrate Nuketown’s re-ignition, meet Bob the Seeing Eye Puppy and talk about my evolution into a geek who loves the outdoors. I also  ruminate on three games I’m playing now: Destiny 2: A massively multiplayer first-person shooter by the creators of Halo. Skyrim: Special Edition: An open world sandbox game set … Read more

Radio Active #89: Run Geek Run

A straight sidewalk is bordered on the left by a fence and on the right by bamboo and other greenery.

On this episode of Nuketown Radio Active I revisit the button-smashing happiness of Diablo III, soak in the nostalgia of Sonic Mania, and catch up listeners on a few of my Dungeons & Dragons campaigns. After that I delve into a topic I never thought I’d talk about: how I became a runner (and the … Read more

Radio Active #88: Summertime

A vibrant multicolored spring appears before a forested hill. A small board walk crowded with people appears to the right.

Radio Active PodcastOn this episode of Radio Active, I catch up on the Nuketown redesign, talk about summer vacations … and summer reading lists.

I also finally complete my quest for a bean bag chair and offer a review of the Amazon Dot, Amazon’s always-on, always-listing digital assistant.

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Radio Active #87: The Show Awakens

A photo of a yellow Labrador puppy looking at the camera. A river flows in the background.

After slumbering for four years, Nuketown Radio Active returns to find a world transformed. In this show I’ll get up to speed on what’s changed around the ol’thermonuclear burg, and what you can expect to see in the future. I talk about the role-playing games and video games I’m currently playing, and introduce the audience … Read more

Radio Active #85: War of the Pod People

Spring is looming larger, but just incase it gets waylaid by a late-winter storm, I decided to have a spring-themed surprise party for my wife. In geekier news, I started up a “Gamer Working Group” at my dayjob and re-launched my gaming group’s web site. There are no netheads in this show, but don’t worry — you’ll still be able to feed that net addiction with a round up of the podcasts I’m listening to.

Radio Active #84: Not Dead Yet

Good news everyone! Nuketown Radio Active isn’t dead … and neither is Futurama.

On this episode of Radio Active I catch up on a year’s worth of happenings, talk about my new Picture a Day project, and take a look at some of the computer games that I’ve been playing during the hiatus.

In Netheads I uncover the Race for the Galaxy AI card game and Mutant Future, a science fiction RPG inspired by Gamma World.