Game Day: Dreams of Distant GenCon

Technically, there’s no Game Day for me this week — while the guys are getting together for some Battletech, I’ll be joining some friends from work for a Tivo-fueled Battlestar Galactica marathon. I don’t know if we can get caught up in one night … but we’re going to try. At some point I want … Read more

My Top Five All-Time Unfulfilled Dream RPG Campaigns

I watched High Fidelity the other night with my wife. It’s a movie in which the main character, played by John Cusak, is a music geek in love with vinyl. The movie’s peppered with his top five lists (both of music and break-ups) and it got me thinking about my own top five lists with … Read more

Waging War Against Unimaginable Terror with Delta Green

The stars are almost right. Alien creatures out of time and mind have infested our world, making dark packs with national governments that trade sanity-rending secrets for a freehand in human experimentation. At the dawn of the 21st century only one force stands against the vast conspiracies ensnaring America: Delta Green.