RPG a Day 2023 – Weirdest Game You’ve Played

The Paranoia Logo ... Paranoia being the weirdest game I ever played.

If by “weird” we mean a game that consistently introduced unexpected encounters and nonsensical reactions, then the answer has to be PARANOIA. For those unfamiliar with this game, you are a Troubleshooter working for Friend Computer in Alpha Complex, the sole surviving human settlement. Or maybe not – Friend Computer isn’t telling. What we know … Read more

RPG a Day 2023 – Favorite Tie-in Fiction

Three adventurers and a dragon.

My favorite tie-in fiction is the Dragonlance novels for Dungeons & Dragons. Reading Dragons of Destiny for this summer’s reading list, I realized just how much this series influenced me as a dungeon master and storyteller. Do the tales have their flaws? Sure. The early books read like something ripped from a person’s campaign … … Read more

RPG a Day 2023 – Favorite Dice

A set of green glow-in-the-dark dice.

Usually, my favorite dice are whichever ones I purchased most recently. Right now that’s the glow-in-the-dark sets I got at GenCon 2023. One set is grey, the other green; both have motes that glow from within when the lights are low/out. I figure they’ll be great for those Delta Green one-shots the Blackrazors were contemplating, … Read more

RPG a Day 2023 – Favorite Character

Logo text for Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, the campaign which spawned my favorite character

Out of all the many PCs I’ve played, Merywn the Spellsword is my favorite character. He was my second character for the Blackrazors’ Return to Temple of Elemental Evil campaign (aka the Redshirts campaign, featuring no-name, low-level minions of the Blackrazor Guild getting in WAY over their heads. My first character, Zilanderin, died at the … Read more

RPG a Day 2023 – Smartest Game You’ve Ever Played

The giant eye of a beholder looks at a gold fish.

From a marketing and design perspective, Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. After 4e split the fan base, 5e reunited it by streamlining the game, resurrecting elements that people loved, and bounding the math so that bonus stacking (and the GM/player arms race it forced) was no longer a thing. It runs fast at low, mid, … Read more

RPG a Day 2023 – Favorite Game You Never Get to Play

A space suited human with a head lamp pointed toward the viewer. An Alien appears ominously in the background.

Favorite game you never get to play?  Easy: the ALIEN RPG by Free League. I bought the books and boxed sets during the pandemic, slowly accumulating a collection I never got to play. I love ALIEN and ALIENS, but even I admit that getting killed by alien monsters was a bit too much during the … Read more

RPG a Day 2023 – Most Recent RPG Bought

Cover art for the Marvel Multiverse RPG, featuring heroes battling villains.

Thanks to GenCon, the answer to the question “Most Recent RPG Bought?” is a two-way tie between the Marvel Multiverse RPG (which I played at the con as well) and the Captain’s Log Solo RPG for Star Trek Adventures. The Marvel Multiverse RPG captures the feel of superhero play very, very well … and does … Read more