Dicember 2017, Day 3: Favorite Game

A number of different polyhedral dice.

Tales of a GM is running the 12 Days of Dicember, a project dedicated dice in all their randomized glory. The question for the third day of Dicember is “What is your favourite dice game?” My hands-down favorite is Zombie Dice (website/Amazon) by Steve Jackson Games. It’s a push-your-luck game in which the players are zombies trying to catch humans … Read more

Dicember 2017, Day 2: Oldest Dice

Dozens of polyhedral dice.

Tales of a GM is running the 12 Days of Dicember, a project dedicated dice in all their randomized glory. The question for the second day of Dicember is “Which is your oldest die?” The answer is … I honestly don’t know. I have a number of ancient dice that date back to my original Dungeons & Dragons Basic … Read more

Dicember 2017, Day 1: The Ragnorak Dice

A variety of different kinds of polyhedral dice.

Tales of a GM is running the 12 Days of Dicember, a project dedicated to dice in all their randomized glory. The question for the first day of Dicember is “Which is your favorite set of dice?” For me, it’s my Ragnarok dice. I bought these Chessex dice at MEPACON 2010 for my The Day after Ragnarok lunchtime campaign. The smokey … Read more