RPG-a-Day 2021: Scenario

A spread of RPG books

When I think of scenarios, I think of conventions. I think tightly focused, 3-4 hour-long sessions, usually with pre-generated characters and flexible, but straightforward, story arc. I find scenario writing a very different exercise from prepping for my weekly campaign-style games. Most of our campaigns have been heavily serialized, with overarching stories that continue on … Read more

Game Day: MEPACon Spring 2017

A close-up shot of blue-grey polyhedral dice on a Shadowrun character sheet.

MEPACon is northeast Pennsylvania’s regional gaming convention and it’s one of the go-to conventions for my gaming group. It’s an event I always add to my calendar, but it also has a tendency to get removed because of family and work commitments. I really need to stop doing that. The convention is great for my … Read more

Podcast Roundup: Cyberpunk’d, Skill Challenges, PHB2, Dungeon-A-Day

Three weeks of rainy days put a major crimp in my podcast-listening schedule in May as I was forcd to drive (rather than walk) to work. It’s the difference between a 2 minute commute and a 15 minute one … as well as no podcasts or three podcasts a week. With the sun finally shining … Read more

Game Day: My Game Inbox Runneth Over

After a week away from home at the Portal 2007 higher ed conference at Gettysburg College, I’ve returned home to an inbox overflowing with games. My Xbox 360 will be seeing heavy action this weekend as I put Shadowrun and Forza 2 through its paces, while my non-video game moments will likely be consumed by … Read more