One Focused Summer

A baseball game at sunset.

Every few summers, things get so busy that I need a list to remind myself how focus on the things that help me relax. This is that list. Is it a big list? Yes. Will I finish everything on it? No. But it gives me something to shoot for … and something to focus on. … Read more

Entering the Matrix of Cyberpunk RED Campaigns

Cover art for the Tales of the Red source book, one of the tools for my Cyberpunk RED campagins

As we move into summer, I’m gearing up for two Cyberpunk RED campaigns – one a Lair of Secrets actual play campaign and the other a supplemental campaign for the Blackrazor Guild. The Lair Cyberpunk RED Campaign The Lair of Secrets campaign is a long-0time coming – my co-host David and I started talking about it after GenCon 2022 … Read more

Radio Active #102: Game-o-Rama

A cyberpunk character in a stylized leather jacket. The words Cyberpunk 2077 appear below the character

On this episode of Nuketown Radio Active, I emerge from my winter hibernation to talk about the video games and role-playing games I’m playing (or plan on playing). I talk about the ongoing Ready Player One Replay and my plans to attend GenCon in August 2023. Nuketown News Heading to GenCon in 2023! Haven’t been … Read more