Summer Reading List 2012

A spaceship descends through a planet's atmosphere.

Summer’s come and gone and so has my annual summer reading list. I blogged about the “prelist” back in the spring, but never got around to posting a formal list to Nuketown even though I put one together on GoodReads. Here is is, complete with status: 2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson Caliban’s War by James … Read more

Summer Reading Prelist 2012

I recently went shopping for some new ebooks for my iPad, and decided to look up a few of my favorite authors. Surely, I thought, David Brin must have a new book out by now. And it’s been a while since I checked up on John Scalzi. In every case I found that my favorite … Read more

Summer Reading List 2011

Summer 2011 is well underway, and so is my summer reading list. While some summers I know exactly what I’m reading in the spring, this summer I stumbled into my reading list. Work’s been crazy busy (leading to June’s deficient of posts at Nuketown) but even with a high workload my brain demands an escape to my summer reading list.

I’ve divided my reading list into two parts: The Summer List and the Island List. The Summer List consists of books I’ll be reading throughout the summer, from Memorial Day to Labor Day. The Island List is a subset of books that I’ll be taking to Butler Island on Lake Champlain with me for my much-needed, oft-dreamed of summer vacation.

You can follow my progress through my Summer Reading list on GoodReads, the social networking site for bookworms.

Soliciting books for my Summer 2009 Reading List

It’s almost summer again, which means it’s time for me to start assembling that long-running Nuketown tradition: the Summer Reading List. (check out Radio Active #50 for my 2007 reading list, and Radio Active #69 for my 2008 one). The reading list is my chance to catch up on stuff I missed during the rest … Read more

My 2008 Summer Reading List

Here’s my summer reading list, as discussed in Radio Active #69, broken out for easy reference (by me). Print Novels The Last Colony by John Scalzi – A novel of intergalactic intrigue featuring the main characters from Scalzi’s Old Man’s War and Ghost Brigades Quicksilver by Neil Stephenson – adventures in science during the Age … Read more

Radio Active #31: Geek Moms, Summer Reading List, X-Men 3

The podcast opens with the old X-Men cartoon theme song in honor of X-Men 3: The Final Stand and the launches into a review of geek mom and geek parenting web sites. There’s no fiction review this time around, as I’m still slugging my way through George R.R. Martin’s A Feast for Crows but I … Read more