Rise of the Nintendad

Hat-tip to Joystiq for this Reuters story which notices that hey, parents like to game … and they’re likely to get their kids to game as well. They dub these strange creatures “Nintendads” since many grew up on Nintendo systems and are now happily doling out $250 to buy Nintendo Wiis for their kids (and … Read more

Life with NeutronLad: Four Months

NeutronLad is fourth months old, and if that seems amazing to you, imagine how much it blows our minds. With StarGirl, I was posting updates every month, but with Neutronlad the posts have been far fewer. I think that’s partly because some of the wide-eyed new dad enthusiasm has worn off — the first time … Read more

Thoughts from a 3-1/2 year old’s Dad

It’s fall — students are back on campus at the college where I work, the Pennsylvania air is starting to turn cooler and crisper, and StarGirl is getting ready to start preschool. Preschool … wow. StarGirl’s gone from being this tiny little baby that I spent hours walking with in order to sooth her crying … Read more

It’s a Boy: NeutronLad

NeutronLad was born at 6:13 p.m., Wednesday, June 14, weighing 8 lbs. 3 oz. and measuring 22″ long. He has a full head of his mother’s red hair, and we’ll see whether his baby blues turn into his father’s blue eyes, his mother’s brown, or something in between (like his sister’s). Sue and the baby are … Read more

Getting Past a Fear of Girls

A short film, Fear of Girls — about two stereotypical uber gamers — is circulating around the geek community. The ten-minute film tells the tale of two “advanced” gamers who are a cut about your normal geeks, which means they do stuff that would freak out regular gamers, like role-playing sex or dressing up in … Read more

Radio Active #10: Parenting and the Late Game, The Tomb, A Maze of Minotaurs

Radio Active takes a turn into the supernatural with #10, offering a review of the F. Paul Wilson’s supernatural detective novel The Tomb as well as a review of the D&D-compatible monster source book A Maze of Minotaurs by Behemoth4. I also talk about staying up late (or rather, getting up early) with a moody … Read more

One of the Reasons I Love Easton

Here’s one of the reasons why I love living in Easton, Pa.: ready access to the Delaware River. After all, you can’t have a Labrador and not live near a river … or at least, it’s not quite as much fun. The Delaware River is about a half-mile from my house — a short walk … Read more

Thoughts From a 15 Month Old’s Dad

It’s been a while since I posted one of these, so I figured I’d catch everyone up. StarGirl is now 15 months old, and growing like a weed … but a pretty damn cute weed. Her vocabulary remains limited to “Daddy”, “Hi!”, “Uh-oh” and something that sounds kind of like “puppy” (which she happily says … Read more

Thoughts from a 1-Year-Old’s Dad

It’s been a while since I’ve posted one of these entries summarizing StarGirl’s development and my own thoughts on Dadhood. Much has changed since the last one (back when StarGirl was 9 months old), but I’m going to focus on the more recent developments. No More Medicine: Every day for the last year, since that … Read more

Sick and Tired

I’d gotten into a pretty good grove with posting updates to Nuketown over the last two weeks, but that all came to a crashing stop this week thanks to my cold. It was one of those “48 hours of misery” colds, starting off as post-nasal drip and ending with a stuffed up nose and a … Read more