Futzing About

Three Rulebooks: Dungeon Master's Guide for D&D, Gaslands Refueled, and Cyberpunk Red

Over the last few weeks, I’ve had a growing desire to take a day and futz about with my various RPG projects. I mentioned this to a few of my friends, who looked at me quizzically. They were unfamiliar with the term “futz about” (or the alternative usage, “futz around”). The Free Dictionary gives two definitions: … Read more

RPG a Day 2019 – Space

Several RPG books stacked on one of another.

Space. The Final Frontier. These are the science fiction RPGs that I’d love to play, if only I could find the time, crew, and mental bandwidth to play them: Eclipse Phase, 2nd Edition – A new, allegedly easier to play, iteration of the post-human science fiction/horror role-playing game. Paranoia – The satirical (and usually fatal) role-playing game … Read more

RPG a Day 2022 – Suggestion Sunday – Mutant Crawl Classics

Cover art for Mutant Crawl Classics

Over the last two seasons of the @LairOfSecrets podcast, David Moore (@vandermore) and I’ve talked about a ton of games we’d like to play. A few consistently pop to the top of my list – Fate of Cthulhu, Monster of the Week, Kids on Bikes, Alien, Mothership , MÖRK BORG – but the one I keep coming back to is Mutant Crawl Classics. It’s the … Read more