Ornament-a-Day 2019: Darth Vader Peekbuster

The last Ornament-a-Day entry is dedicated to the only geeky ornament left on the family tree: 2012’s Darth Vader Peekbuster. Given that the family tree is where the wrapped family presents go and since this Vader is designed to detect and scold would-be present peekers, it’s entirely appropriate. This battery-powered, Christmas-themed Vader wears his traditional black armor … Read more

Ornament-a-Day: U.S.S. Reliant NCC-1864

For years, the ornament I wanted most for the Geek Tree was the U.S.S. Reliant (NCC-1864), the U.S.S. Enterprise’s opponent in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. While I had plenty of variant Enterprises from all of Star Trek’s eras and any number of opposing ships like the Klingon Bird of Prey and Romulan Warbird, Hallmark steadfastly avoided releasing Khan’s improvised flagship. That changed in 2010 when the … Read more

Ornament-a-Day: Storyteller Star Destroyer & Y-Wing

Hallmark released two new Star Wars Storyteller ornaments in 2019: The Imperial Star Destroyer and the Y-Wing. Like the other Storyteller ornaments, they feature LED illuminated regions (the cargo bay on the Star Destroyer, the cockpit on the Y-Wing) that slowly rotate through different colors. Powered and connected by Hallmark’s proprietary Keepsake power cord, the two new ships join … Read more

Ornament-a-Day: U.S.S. Franklin NX-326

Star Trek Beyond is one of my favorite Trek movies. Unlike the derivative and uninspired Star Trek Into Darkness that preceded it, Beyond is an original story focused on exploration as well as the optimistic future that Trek embraces. Unfortunately, it didn’t do great in the box office, leading to a lull in new cinematic Star Trek offerings but that didn’t stop Hallmark from releasing the … Read more

Ornament-a-Day 2019: Shuttlecraft Galileo

The oldest ornament on the Geek Tree – and the ornament without which there would be no Ornament-a-Day – is the Shuttlecraft Galileo. Released in 1992, the Galileo is a string-powered ornament. The ornament’s lighting is simplistic – just the cockpit lights up – but what truly makes it special is the voice of Leonard Nimoy. Triggered by a button, it features … Read more

Ornament-a-Day 2019: U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E

One of my favorite Enterprises, the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E appeared in Star Trek: First Contact and Star Trek: Nemesis. Today’s Ornament-a-Day entry is string-powered and was released in 1998. The 1701-E’s deflector array glows yellow, while the warp nacelles are the traditional red. Though string-powered, the ornament has no audio associated with it. It’s a bit longer and sleeker than the … Read more

Ornament-a-Day 2019: The Storyteller Ornaments

In 2017, I started collecting Hallmark’s “Storyteller” Star Wars ornaments. These ornaments are powered by a proprietary networking and power cable and combine to recreate scenes from Star Wars – Episode IV: A New Hope. After years of battery-powered ornaments, the “Storyteller” line represents Hallmark’s return to externally-powered ornaments. While I’m not usually a fan of … Read more

Ornament-a-Day 2019: Locutus of Borg

The Locutus of Borg ornament recreates the conversations between Captain Jean Luc Picard and the Borg Queen from the movie Star Trek: First Contact. A string-powered ornament, today’s Ornament-a-Day entry features Picard – in his Locutus persona – plugged into a Borg charging station while the Borg Queen stands nearby. The charging station features a slowly flashing … Read more