Radio Active #61: Leopard, 4th Edition, Secret Lairs, Google Code, Kobold Quarterly

Radio Active returns to its somewhat regular schedule as I talk about family visits, getting more sleep, hacking Moodle and trying out Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. In Netheads, I talk about getting a sneak peak at D&D 4th Edition through already-released products like the Book of Nine Swords, discover a new Secret Lair for … Read more

Radio Active #53: Computer Repair Frustrations, Boot and Nuke, ChoreWars, Rainbows End

Where do Rainbows End? Find out in Episode #53 as I review Vernor Vinge’s near-future science fiction thriller in which a 75-year-old man awakens to find his Alzheimer’s cured, his body rejuvenated to that of a teenager … and the world transformed almost beyond belief. I also talk about what I’m reading (Pushing Ice, Harry … Read more

Radio Active #2: Conan, Hitchhiker’s Guide, and Nintendo DS

Radio Active #2 includes an comparison between the upcoming (and sure to be awful XXX2 and the possibly hilarious movie The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. It’s also got my thoughts on the Nintendo DS, including why I bought it, and why I prefer it to the Play Station Portable, and a review of Robert … Read more