Geeky Lorem Ipsum Text

A collection of Dr. Who heads, each of which can be used to create geeky lorem ipsum text.

After 11 days of writing, and a ridiculously long and difficulty week, I was sorely tempted to make a blog post that was nothing but geeky lorem ipsum text.

And then I thought … hey, I could do a blog post about lorem ipsum text. For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, lorem ipsum is Latin text used by designers, web developers, and others when they want people to focus on the layout of a page rather than on the contents of the page.

A Geek Dad’s Thoughts on The Dark Knight

Batman, in his bat armor, stands in front of an office building. Smoke, ash, and cinders swirl through the air.

The Dark Knight is brilliant. It’s intellectually challenging. It’s psychologically terrifying. And there’s a damn good chance it’ll scare the living daylights out of your 13-year-old. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to those who saw Batman Begins. The movie hews close to the comic books, which have run to the dark side ever since … Read more

Top of the Pile: Amazing Spiderman, X-Factor, X-Men, New Excalibur, Conan, Batman

Despite the fact that I’ve been buying comics regularly for over a decade, I’ve only rarely reviewed them on Nuketown. That changes starting this week with the debut of my “Top of the Pile” column where I’ll be running down why I’m reading … and in what order. Almost every geek I know shuffles their … Read more