Nuketown Reignited

A nuclear mushroom cloud rises through the atmosphere, glowing yellow against the orange sky.

The redesigned Nuketown is here. After months of work — nearly a year if I’m honest — the latest iteration of the ol’thermonuclear burg is online. It features a host of new content, including: New episodes of the Nuketown Radio Active podcast. Game Day columns on topics like ending campaigns, Savage Worlds-powered Stargate, high level games in D&D, … Read more

53,379 reasons to do NaNoWriMo

It’s done. After a month of writing 1,667 words almost every day (with a few days hitting 3,000 to 4,000 to make up for traveling, family engagements, and the occasional bout of exhaustion), I completed my novel. It’s 53,379 words, which is slightly over the 50,000-word goal set by the National Novel Writing Month organizers. … Read more

Preparing for NaNoWriMo

November is coming. And that means so is National Novel Writing Month. In years past, I’ve watched and read as my friends fought their way through it, some succeeding, some failing, all glorious in the pursuit. I’ve sat, thought, considered and ultimately come up with one excuse or another not to do it. There’s always … Read more