The Stone Sky

The Stone Sky cover art, featuring the title of the book in front of a stylized stone arch.

The apocalypse is here. Again. In The Broken Earth series by N.K. Jemisin, what we’d consider the end of the world – toxic gases wiping out entire provinces, catastrophic earthquakes that destroy dozens of towns, drowning tidal waves – are just another season (albeit one that only happens every few decades or centuries). In the first book … Read more

Expand your mind with the Psionics Handbook

Psionic abilities in previous editions of Dungeons and Dragons were awkward add-ons that only the most zealous individuals were willing to use. D&D3rd Edition’s Psionics Handbook changes all that, folding psionics almost seamlessly into the core D&D rules. The Psionics Handbook was one of the first supplemental rule books released after the three “core” D&D … Read more