Mac OS X Jaguar Roars to Success

Jaguar, the latest iteration of Apple’s Mac OS X operating system, offers greatly enhanced compatibility with Microsoft Windows, a superb spam-killing e-mail program, and numerous minor improvements. The previous release was 10.1, and while this one is formally known as 10.2, it offers far more than the .1 incrimination of its version number implies. Apple … Read more

Crystal Ball Looks Into the Future of Mac RPG Tools

Crystal Ball is a robust RPG aid for Apple’s Macintosh OS. Created by Joseph Sharp, the program runs under both Mac OS X and the older Mac OS 9. The tool is built to support Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition and includes tools for creating characters and monsters, tracking combat, calculating experience, creating names, rolling … Read more

Elementary, my dear Watson

The net’s a big place. Watson helps make it smaller. Produced by a California-based company called Karelia Waston is a sort of specialized search engine for the Mac OS X operating system that offers 16 tools designed to provide a simpler, more productive interface for the immense treasure trove (and accompanying wasteland) that is the … Read more

Mac OS X Revisited

I’ve been using Mac OS X for about three months straight now, long enough to have experienced the extremes of Apple’s next generation operating system. I’m running the 10.1 release on my dual USB iBook (the second generation, white-colored low-end Apple Macs) — it has a 500 mhtz G3 processor and 384 meg of RAM. … Read more