Searching for Other Geek Christmas Trees

This year’s Geek Tree is almost complete. So is the feature about it for Nuketown, which will include a browseable database of the ornaments (with each one reviewed and commented on), photos and maybe, just maybe, video. I’m also looking to create a section linking to other geek trees on the Web. Which brings me … Read more

Topping the Geek Tree

Two years ago, my science fiction ornaments were on the verge of conquering the evergreen-space of our Christmas Tree. Other ornaments — clear-glass bulbs and small brass ornaments we bought when we were in Wind Gap, nostalgic “Christmas of 19xx” balls, old hand-knitted creations from Sue’s childhood — were nearly overwhelmed by an SF legion … Read more

And the Tree Comes Tumbling Down…

It must be some kind of record … at least for the Newquists. Our Christmas tree is down and it’s only January 13. It seems strange not to have it in the library any more — it’s something of a tradition in my family to keep the tree up until at least the third week … Read more