This page contains a run down of the games my friends and I will be playing at our in-house game day, NukemCon.
I’m very happy with this list — while it’s only meant as a guide (hopefully we’ll be able to fit in a few more games not on it) I think it provides a good cross-section of the games we love to play. Looking down through the schedule, my hands itch for dice, and my throat aches for Mountain Dew. No doubt about it … this is going to be a glorious weekend of gaming!
Track 1
- Slot 1: Risk 2210
- Slot 2: Illuminati
- Slot 3: Dungeons & Dragons
- Slot 4: Munchkin
Track 2
- Slot 1: n/a
- Slot 2: n/a
- Slot 3: HeroClix: Galactus Attacks!
- Slot 4: Xbox: Halo
Track 1
- Slot 1: Conan d20
- Lunch @ Don Pablos
- Slot 2: Munchkin
- Slot 3: Delta Green: McCallister Falls
- Slot 4: The Hills Rise Wild
Track 2
- Slot 1: Carcassone: Hunters and Gatherers
- Slot 2: Dungeons & Dragons
- Slot 3: n/a
- Slot 4: Xbox: Halo
Track 1
- Slot 1: Settlers of Catan: Cities and Knights Expansion
- Slot 2: Car Wars
- Slot 3: Battletech Classic
Track 2
- Slot 1: Settlers of Catan (original)
- Slot 2: Marvel Vs. Card Game
- Slot 3: n/a
Nuke(m)Con 2004: The Schedule | NukemCon: Day 1 | NukemCon: Day 2 | NukemCon: Day 3 | NukemCon: Afterthoughts