I don’t want to turn Nuketown into all game trailers, all the time, but there have been some really impressive Star Wars trailers out. The latest is “Hope”, Bioware’s follow-up to “Deceived”.
This time we’ve got the Sith invasion of Alderaan and the Republic resistance, with commandos battling against lightsaber wielding Sith, their Mandalorian bounty hunters, and host of ground troops and droids. And, of course, there’s a lightsaber battle.
Awe-inspiring stuff. While actual game play won’t achieve this level of detail, it speaks volumes about the feel that Bioware is going for. That said, while the trailers are good for building interest in the game, they’re great at building interest in a movie by this same team, using this same CGI engine. LucasFilm needs to wake up and ask Bioware to create a full-length Star Wars movie. Throw in some subtle 3D effects, and there’d be no stopping it in theaters.