Top of the Pile: X-Men Blue, Superior Spider-man, Immortal Hulk

I’m as close to current with my comic book pull list as I’m likely to get in the modern era, having just finished X-men Blue and getting ready for the Age of X-Men alternative universe titles. Truth be told, I’d be caught up if it weren’t for the happy distraction of Marvel Unlimited. The digital repository paid for itself 10 … Read more

Top of the Pile: Uncanny X-Men, Spider-Verse, Darth Vader

A close up shot of several different Spider-men.

My comic book pile is almost — almost — current. After a summer and fall of reading comic books almost every day I’ve caught up on everything except for X-Men Blue, a few issues of Uncanny Avengers, and the limited series X-Men Black. I credit my bullet journal’s habit tracker with finally accomplishing this feat. As I wrote over the … Read more

Top of the Pile: Cable, Kate Bishop, Renew Your Vows

A close-up of Kate Bishop, the other Hawkeye. She's wearing purple sunglasses and the fins of her signature arrows appear to her left.

When I started my bullet journal, one of my habit tracking goals to read a comic book a day. Over the summer I stuck to that goal, reading a comic book almost every day. I made steady progress on my pile of comic books but I’ve also taken advantage of my Marvel Unlimited subscription like never … Read more

Spider-Man Swings To The Top

Believe the hype. Spider-man is a solid superhero movie that deserves the skyscraping profits its earned since it’s opening weekend. Geeks know the story: Peter Parker is a nerd and borderline genius who gets bitten by a radioactive spider, and thus gains arachnid like super-human powers, including great strength, the ability to climb walls, and … Read more