Off the Bookshelf: A Memory of Light, The Bowl of Heaven, The Way of Kings

Two warriors face off on a vast plateau. In the background there is a vast skyscape, the left side filled with a storm cloud, the right with a sunset.

It’s spring and I’ve been trying to get back in shape in anticipation of three months spent coaching my daughter’s softball team. This in turn has led to a resurgence of book reading as I download new audio books to listen to while working out at the gym or taking the dog for 45-minute walks.

Radio Active #18: Finding Serenity Contest, OgreCave and Integral Trees

I managed to take a break from my ongoing home improvement efforts and record a podcast! This one opens with an announcement about Radio Active’sFinding Serenity book contest, and then launches into reviews of the OgreCave Audio Report, the Librivox audio book project, and Edge of the Edge podcast. The show wraps up with a … Read more