Oh I Wish I Were in the Land of GenCon…

GenCon, that gaming mecca held once a year in Indianapolis, is drawing to a close. And despite having gamed until unconsciousness at our home-grown NukemCon convention, I really wished I’d been there.

The immensity of GenCon — the thousands of gamers gather together to play countless games, the cathedral-like exhibition hall, the electric buzz of too much coffee and too little sleep — tugs at the corners of my geek soul. Having been there once — no, three times — I long to return. And I shall … next year.

In the mean time though, I’ve had to content myself with living vicariously through other gamers via their blog posts. The overall tone of these posts seems to be positive. There’s very little in the way of complaints — almost all of the posts focus on what’s happening at the con rather than things that are screwing up their enjoyment of the con. That’s a good sign — I know the first GenCon Indy suffered from a registration nightmare, and it’s good to know that they resolved those issues.

Housing, which was always a challenge in Milwaukee (GenCon’s previous home) appears to be a non-issue at Indy, and the town seems to really enjoy having legions of gamers there — Bryant Durrell points out that one fo the bars even has a gaming room set-up. How cool is that?

What follows is a rundown of the GenCon releated blog posts I was able to find. I’ll add more as I find them (I expect a few more to show up once the con’s officially over and folks are back home.

20′ by 20′ Room

Bryant Durrell provides a day-by-day account of his wanderigns at GenCon, including thoughts on some of the products that caught his interest.

Gaming Report

Gaming Report has a bunch of updates from GenCon, including numerous products and sales announcements from companies at the convention as well as a few “on the street” posts from contributors. Go to their coverage index page.

Justifiable Chronocide

Bare-bones coverage from a guy who was able to stop by on Thursday.


The guys offer a shotgun approach to GenCon coverage, offering highlights of the convention as well as ongoing updates about the great “OgreCave T-shirt Throwdown” in which two friends compete to see who can snag the most free t-shirts at the con.


The mad (but in a good way) folks at this Call of Cthulhu site have posted several GenCon updates from a mythos-fan perspective.

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