Fitness Update, Spring 2016

Sunset at an early spring IronPigs baseball game. The big AAA lights are lit up and the sky is just beginning to fade to black.

I’m five months into my exercise regime and it’s going great. Yep, this is an exercise update in which I don’t lament my inability to maintain my exercise program. Instead, I’ll celebrate the fact that the program begun in the depths of winter has continued into the spring.

Fitness Update, Spring 2016

Leave-less spring trees stand backlit against a subdued morning sunrise of light oranges and yellows.

I’m five months into my exercise regime and it’s going great. Yep, this is an exercise update in which I don’t lament my inability to maintain my exercise program. Instead, I’ll celebrate the fact that the program begun in the depths of winter has continued into the spring. There have been some pauses — a … Read more