I’ve decided to make the Pathfinder Role-Playing Game subject of one of my upcoming “Summon WebScryer” columns for Knights of the Dinner Table. The successor to D&D 3.5 (in spirit, if not in name) is going to be released this summer, so it seems like a good time to write about it. I’m looking for anything that has to do with the RPG; playtests of the beta, campaign web sites, you name it. If you know of one, please post it to the comments or email me at nuketown@gmail.com.
- Paizo.com: Pathfinder Home Page
- Pathfinder Wiki (Campaign and RPG)
- PGGen (Pathfinder Beta Data Set included)
- The Rusty Dragon (Converting Paizo Adventures to 4E)
- Facebook: Pathfinder RPG Fan page
- Pathfinder Chronicler
- The RPG Engine: Pathfinder Character Creater
- Jason Bulmahn’s Live Journal: The lead developer for Pathfinder at Paizo.
- Erik Mona’s Live Journal: Publisher at Paizo.