It’s been a crazy summer, with a major project that threatens to consume all my working hours, and myriad home improvement headaches around the house that have been eating at my free time (thus the lack of posts around here last week).
The good news is that unlike a similar crush back in the spring, I haven’t let the summer’s craziness serve as an excuse to not go to the gym. I’ve been getting there at least two times a week, and often three. I’ve also been walking to work as many days I as the weather allows. As a result, my weight has been holding steady at 196 lbs, give or take a pound or two.
I’m hoping to start going to the pool at lunch again this week (indeed, this afternoon if I can swing it) but that’s a bit more time consuming than going to the gym.
My bigger challenge right now is simply the sore and aching muscles that come from being a 35-year-old geek dad … particularly a geek dad with a one-year-old who still needs to be carried most places. It’s gotten better since I started stretching every morning and Luke started walking, but the dull ache of muscles that have done too much still resonates through my legs and lower back more more often then I’d like (and far more often then in my pre-kid days).
If I’m honest with myself, this is really the sort of thing that yoga’s supposed to help with, but I’ve never been comfortable with the mystical aspects that always seemed to get mixed into what would otherwise be a nice stretch. What I need is something simple, focus, and de-mystified. Call it yoga for geeks. Or failing that … maybe Klingon calisthenics?