Reader Damns Consumerism, Christmas Trees

With my Thanksgiving editorial, I urged people to piss off a liberal and buy something on Black Friday. And amazingly enough, it worked!

In an e-mail succinctly entitled Go To Hell Kenneth an irate reader took me to task for my editorial. The e-mail wasn’t signed, so I don’t know who wrote it (and to be honest, I don’t really care). But it makes good fodder for the site, so here it is:

Consumerism is raping the poor. Christmas tree sales rape the environment. Is this what you belligerently support? If so, keep writing your ignorant editorials, if you don’t keep it to yourself like so many other Americans do.

p.s. Christ was not born on Dec. 25. – Christmas my ass!

Sigh. Momma told me there’d be people like this. And she was right! So did Aunt Ayn, and man, was she ever right!

Consumerism is raping the poor.

Actually, no, it isn’t. In fact, history has show time and again that collectivism does that quite well, be it the slow torturous death of socialism, or the more brutal strangulation of communism. After all, such egalitarian ideals demand that everyone be sacrificed to the all-mighty collective, where as true capitalism, by its very nature, abhors the sacrifice of the individual — regardless of rank — to the masses … or to other individuals.

Christmas tree sales rape the environment.

Hmmmm, and here I thought that Christmas tree farms were exactly the sort of renewable resource that environmentalists and greens were in favor of. Silly me — I forgot. It brings humans a moment’s happiness, and there for, most be cast down along with the rest of the bourgeois.

Is this what you belligerently support? If so, keep writing your ignorant editorials, if you don’t keep it to yourself like so many other Americans do.

I support capitalism, which allows individuals to succeed on their own merits and has, incidentally, done more to help the poor, the downtrodden, and the hopeless, while granting the most freedom, liberty and happiness, of any political economic system ever created. I’m proud to be an American and to whole-heartedly and consciously support America, which, however flawed, is still the single best country ever created.

But hey, if you don’t agree, you can always go live in North Korea. Or some other third world dictatorship, where you can experience the stark starvation, abysmal human rights, and abject poverty that so perfectly reflects your anti-life, anti-human agenda.

p.s. Christ was not born on Dec. 25. – Christmas my ass!

When he was born is irrelevant. For me, Christmas is a time to celebrate life, productivity, family and the fruits of the pursuit of happiness. One way to do that is through gifts, and although it’s certainly not the only way, it sure beats shivering in whatever anti-technological, anti-progress, anti-American cave you’re striving for.

To sum up, thank you very much for your e-mail — it made for an enjoyable read and a more enjoyable writing exercise. I will take your advice, and continue writing — it’s just too darn enjoyable to stop.

Have fun burning down your Christmas tree!

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