June 1st is “International Gamer’s Day, as proudly proclaimed by Knights of the Dinner Table and its legions of rabid fans (ok, they’re not rabid, but they are darn enthusiastic).
According to the KODT.com fan site, the now-annual event was spawned last year by members of Kenzer & Co (publishers of Knights of the Dinner Table) and the aforementioned fanatics at the Knights of the Dinner Table Fan Club.
What’s involved? Basically it’s a grass-roots thing — you get some friends together and head down to your local gaming story to hang out, play games and buy stuff. There’s not much support for it (well, any really) on the KenzerCo web site, but it’s a cool idea so I thought I’d mention it. I’ll be doing my part by running my Friday game into the wee hours of Saturday morning, fending off sleep in favor of gaming (even though I’ll need to get up at 7 a.m. Saturday to go to work…).