The Libertarian Gamer: Politics and Gaming

Reactions to the Libertarian Gamers Project have been largely positive — in the month since I started promoting it, we’ve had 21 members join up, and a few good conversations over at the forums, where people wanted to know what the heck a “libertarian” was. But there have been a few who’ve been uncomfortable … Read more

NukemCon: Day 3

A close-up view of small fantasy figures on a gridded battle map.

The sun rose on NukemCon to find many a bleary-eyed gamer driving through Phillipsburg looking for breakfast. After snagging sustenance at McDonald’s and Manhattan Bagel, the stalwart dice-throwers returned to Easton and the first session of the day: Dungeons & Dragons. It was the third part of the D&D adventure we’d been playing all weekend, … Read more

NukemCon: Day 1

Two men sit at a table. Small plastic HeroClix figures stand arrayed on a large wooden table while a much larger comic book figure (Galactus) holds a bagel.

Day One of NukemCon arrived yesterday, bringing with it HeroClix, Illuminati, Dungeons & Dragons and plenty of Halo. We kicked off 12+ hours of gaming by opening a case of HeroClix: Ultimates, the new latest expansion for WizKids’ superhero miniatures game. Then came three increasingly cutthroat games of Illuminati; Jon won the first one, Bob … Read more

WISH #95: How Many Colors?

WISH 95 question is (Internet Archive): How many colors do you like in your gaming? Do you prefer four-color games? Or should game morality be black and white or shades of grey, and if the latter, how many? Are “evil” characters acceptable? Does your preference depend on genre? Do your preferences affect the genres you … Read more

WISH 93: Enough and Too Much

Wish 93 (Internet Archive) delves into an interesting subject: how do you deal with a campaign that has a long-running and detailed history? Here’s what Ginger asked: “Does joining a game with a lot of background thrill or intimidate you? What do you do to try to learn the background, or to compensate for not … Read more

WISH 91: Appropriating From Fiction

In Wish 91: Appropriating From Fiction (Internet Archive), Ginger asks: How often do you appropriate bits from books, movies, comics, and other sources as a player or GM? Do you like to steal names or flavor or go more whole-hog? Is there a difference between stealing for background and stealing for in-game use? I remember … Read more

A New Dawn Rises Over The Lord of the Rings

At Dawn at Rivendell is filled with the music and poetry of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, as performed by the Tolkien Ensemble. This is the Denmark-based Tolkien Ensemble’s third outing, and this time around they are aided in their endeavourer by Christopher Lee, who played the villainous Sauramon in the Fellowship of … Read more

Dealing With Anti-D20 Snobbery

I’ve been gaming for a hell of a long time. For the last few years ago, most of the stuff I’ve been doing is d20 based. There are a lot of reasons for it, the biggest being that we converted our Greyhawk campaign to D&D 3E in 2000. It’s worked well for us (none of … Read more

Gaming Until We Drop at LanceCon I

Just about every week, my gaming group gets together to play our ongoing Greyhawk-based Dungeons & Dragons campaign. It’s nearly seven years old (its anniversary arrives in September) and its a source of continual fun, camaraderie and unrelenting chaos. It’s not all about D&D, although it dominates our agenda. We also play a huge number … Read more