Behold … the Dice of the Elder Gods!

Black dice with yellow stylized numbering. The highest number on each die is an elder sign.
My brand-new Cthulhu-themed dice by Q-Workshop. Credit: Ken Newquist.

My brand-new, yellow-painted, Chaosium-sanctioned Call of Cthulhu dice by Q Workshop arrived today from Poland.

I’ve got to say — these things are easily the most beautiful, well-crafted dice in my collection, and I’d put them up against any of those meteorite dice in a geek cred show down. I mean, sure, dice made from space rocks are cool, but when are you going to use them?

These dice are something you can use every week, and hell, they’ve got Elder Signs on them (“it’s a tree … it’s a star!”).

Visit Flickr for a full-size photo of the new dice. You can order a set yourself by visiting Q-Workshop’s CoC web page.

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